5 Ways To Fix Social Security Essay

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What Can We Do To Fix Social Security Social Security is a term that so many of us are familiar with but do we actually know what it means? Citizens of the United States are assigned a Social Security number at birth but what does that do? Employers and employees are mandated by the federal government to pay Social Security taxes. The money from these taxes goes to supplement the income of those that have retired or are disabled. The benefits that one receives from Social Security are typically based on the amount of taxes that the person has paid over time; however a disproportionate amount is given to those earning a lower income since they need the money more. The purpose of assigning citizens a Social Security Number is to keep track of the money that each person puts into the system and each person can receive their entitled benefits upon retirement (or disability) (What is Social Security?). There is much debate over the dependability of the Social Security program and how long the…show more content…
“5 Ways to Fix Social Security” states that the current Social Security trust could be depleted in 2033 and afterwards, there would only be enough revenue to pay 75 percent of the promised benefits to citizens. She suggests ways to help prolong, if not eliminate this depletion. Many of these may not be popular implementations but they are ways that can help make sure that Social Security benefits would continue to help retirees and those unable to work. First is a gradual, one percent tax increase applied between now and 2036. This alone would help rid over half of the deficit. Other ideas Brandon suggested were lifting the payroll tax cap on those earning above a certain amount per year, raising the retirement age to 68 or 70, a means-test, and decreasing the annual cost of living adjustment to Social Security recipients by 0.3 percent

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