Nursing Care for Older Clients

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Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled Nursing/Division 2) HLTEN515B Implement and Monitor Nursing Care for Older Clients Assessment Two Lucinda Heriot BSBCR6 Question 1. Increasing demands have been placed on health care services due to the ageing of the Australian population. In response to these challenges the Government has reviewed and implemented new funding mechanisms which assist in the provision of aged care and funding is combined by both state and federal funds (Brennan and Wensor pg. 97). ACFI is the revised Aged Care Funding Instrument that is used nationwide for determining the level of care payments for residents in aged care homes. ACFI was implemented in March 2008 and replaced the Resident Classification Scale (RCS) that was in use prior. The ACFI system has fewer basic funding categories and includes two new areas which are designed to meet the needs of client’s requiring high care which includes residents with dementia, challenging behaviours and complex care needs (Department of Health and Ageing (DoHA). ACFI assesses core care needs as a basis for allocating and determining the level of funding. The ACFI focuses on care needs related to day to day, high frequency care needs that contribute to the cost of care. The ACFI consists of 12 questions in relation to care needs. Collection of diagnostic information about mental and behavioural disorders and other medical conditions that the person has is also included in the ACFI (L. Jones). The information gathered, categorises residents as having low, medium or high care needs in 3 main care funding domains: 1. Activities of daily living (ADLs) which include; nutrition, personal hygiene, mobility, toileting and continence. 2. Cognition and Behaviour that include; cognitive skills, wandering, verbal behaviour and physical behaviour. 3. Complex Health Care that include; medications, wound

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