Dashboard Analysis: Topics In Clinical Nursing

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Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan Linda Ndofor Walden University NURS 4005 Section 04, Topics in Clinical Nursing June, 21st, 2015 Dashboard Analysis and Nursing Plan Overview The most successful healthcare organizations are those that utilize information obtained from care providers and patients to develop solid structures to facilitate service delivery. Dashboard analysis makes it easier for administrators to make decisions based on facts rather than on assumptions. Dashboard analysis provides a base on which to look at various performance indicators in an organization to make long-term decisions (Clay, 2008). Dashboard analysis is crucial in healthcare settings since it helps to determine the areas that need improvement.…show more content…
The risk assessment plan should involve regular skin inspection of all patients who are bedridden for long periods (Hoeman, 2008; Carpenito-Moyet, 2009). Different risk assessment scales will be used to determine the patients who are at a higher risk of pressure ulcers. The Modified Norton Scale will be used to assess the mental state, mobility, physical state, and general health of patients. A score of 31 and below will indicate the possibility of developing pressure ulcers. The Braden Scale will be used to evaluate the sensory perception, friction and shearing. A score of 18 and below will indicate an increased risk of pressure ulcers. The Waterlow will assess the BMI, mobility, gender, and age. A score of 10 will indicate the possibility of developing pressure ulcers. Finally, practical interventions shall be developed to address all cases pressure ulcers (Carpenito-Moyet,…show more content…
A critical analysis of the dashboard reveals that the areas where enhanced performance was recorded are the courtesy of registered nurses, management and prevention of falls among patients, as well as a high number of patients, who are assessed for pressure ulcers within 24 hours. One of the areas where poor performance was recorded is the management of patients to prevent pressure ulcers. The first step in pressure ulcers prevention nursing plan is the identification of risk factors followed by identification of the body parts of patients that are at risk of developing pressure ulcers. Development of a risk assessment plan to assess the risk factors and the number of patients at risk of pressure ulcers is also a core component of the prevention plan. Finally, practical interventions need to be developed to address all cases pressure

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