Nuclear Family Essay

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Explain how the nuclear family has become more symmetrical The nuclear family over the years has become more and more symmetrical over the years. Studies have shown this to be true and we can explore further throughout, how this has become true. The nuclear family consists of two adults of both genders, with or without children of their own or adopted. The nuclear family is known to be universal as it happens all over the world and the nuclear family is going through a March of progress, in which nuclear families are becoming symmetrical, meaning both parents in the relationship are equally dividing housework/childcare between them. Young and Willmott did a study on how families are becoming more symmetrical which involved them interviewing married couples and asking them questions involving around how the housework is shared between the couples. The study found 72% of men did homework, besides washing up during the week and also showed an increasingly shared both leisure and decision making. This shows how a march of progress is happening and married couples are sharing joint conjugal roles, which means both husbands and wives are sharing roles which were once traditionally believed that men and women preformed different roles in the family. Thus showing how the nuclear is has become more symmetrical. The New right argue how equality and anti-discrimination laws have encouraged more women to focus on their careers, so they could earn money independently without the need of a man and allowing them to work after marriage and childbirth. Women who work full time spend less time doing housework, due to both her and her partner working full time, which allowed couples to become more equal and share more housework between them, this study by Gershunny also shows how the impact of paid work greatly effects how symmetrical a nuclear family is, as the longer the
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