Assess The View That Gender Roles And Relationships Essay

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Using material from item 2B and elsewhere, assess the view that gender roles and relationships have become more equal in modern life (24 marks) There are a variety of sociologists that have different views about whether they think gender roles and relationships have become more equal in modern family life. A few are mentioned in item 2B, for example Gershuny. Jonathan Gershuny discovered that even women in part time work performed more housework over all, and couples whose parents had a more equal relationship were more likely to share housework more equally between themselves. He acknowledges the fact that women are now working full-time and argues that social values are gradually adapting to this. He also mentions that even though men are now performing more housework, they still tend to take responsibility for different tasks, for example pet care, gardening and DIY work. Young and Wilmott are also good examples of sociologists that believe gender roles have in fact become more equal. They carried out some research and concluded that by the 1970’s the roles that the husbands and wives in a family have, become more similar. Whilst conducting their research, they discovered that 72% of men actually performed housework other than washing up every week. Young and Wilmott saw this as a positive…show more content…
Elizabeth Bott conducted a lot of research into conjugal roles and came up with the term ‘joint conjugal role’ which means that the couple share the housework and the childcare. This type of relationship has become much more common since the 1970’s, this suggests that there is more equality between men and women in domestic labour and gender roles. Controversially, Bott discussed segregated conjugal roles, the ‘instrumental role’ played by the man, meaning he provides for the family by going to work whilst the women play the ‘expressive role’ meaning that they cook, clean and look after the
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