Nt2640 Unit 2 Assignment 1

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NT2640 Unit 2 Assignment 1 1. What organization has been given the responsibility for assigning protocol numbers? * Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) 2. Determine the protocol numbers for the protocol names: Protocol | Number | IPv4 | 4 | IPv6 | 41 | TCP | 6 | UDP | 17 | ICMP | 1 | VRRP | 112 | IPSEC ESP | 50 | L2TP | 115 | OSPF | 89 | EIGRP | 88 | 3. Determine the correct ICMP type based on the description provided: ICMP Message Description | Type | Code | Echo | 8 | | Echo Reply | 0 | | Time Exceeded | 11 | | Port Unreachable | 3 | 3 | Fragmentation Needed | 3 | 4 | 4. What are the valid ranges of protocol numbers? * 0-252 5. What protocol numbers is/are specified for experimentation and testing? * 253, and 254 6. What organization has been given the responsibility for assigning port numbers, sometimes referred to as “Well Known Ports or Registered Ports”? * Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) 7. Determine the protocol numbers for the protocol names: Port | Application/Protocol | TCP-23 | Telnet | TCP-443 | HTTPS | UDP-53 | DNS | UDP-123 | Network Time Protocol | TCP-110 | POP 3 | TCP-25 | SMTP | TCP-80 | HTTP | UDP-88 | Kerberos | TCP-22 | SSH | UDP-161 | SNMP | 8. What numeric range is commonly referred to as well-known ports? * 0-1023 9. What numeric port range is commonly used by clients in a client-server communication session? * 49152–65535 10. What do you believe would be the result of installing and configuring a web server to “listen” on ports other than 80 and 443? * The more ports that that are open the higher the security

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