Nsci 101 Lab Report Form

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NSCI 101 Lab Report Form Lab Activity Title Input the title of the activity. Statement of the Problem What are the ph levels for items we come into contact with on a daily basis? Hypothesis I expect the 7 sample items to have a wide variety of ph Levels. However, I expect that items we consume as humans will be closer to the neutral range of the ph scale while items we use to clean around the house will be inversely proportional to the items we consume. I believe the household items will be on the extremes, either extremely basic or extremely acidic. Methods Items for experiment were purchased from the Commissary and the Nhetto. They include: 1 x .608 kg head of red Cabbage 2 x Melitta white coffee filters 1 x 12 oz coke 1x Tums antacid 1x Tilex Mold and Mildew Remover 1x 22oz bottle of Clorax bleach 1x bx of Arm and Hammer Baking Soda 1x toilet bowl cleaner 1x hohes C orange juice 750ml of tap water The following steps from the guide was followed (with changes from the instructor): 1. Using a standard cheese grater, I took the entire head of red cabbage and shredded it into small pieces. After shredding was complete the pile of cabbage was placed into a stainless steel cook pot. 2. In order to attempt to get the most accurate results I used my fish tank ph test to identify the ph level of my tap water. The result was my tap water is about a 7.8 (slightly higher than the 7.0 that is considered neutral). 3. I then measured out 750ml of tap water and added it to the pot where my cabbage was. 4. I then started boiling the cabbage while I assembled the 7 different substances including the coke and antacid as per the special instructions for this lab. 5. After 5 minutes I removed the cabbage from the stove and carefully drained the broth into a new glass bowl. 6. I allowed the broth to cool for a 30 minute period. 7. After the broth

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