North Atlantic Treaty Organization Analysis

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NATO, or North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, was established on April 4th, 1949 by the representatives of 12 countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherland, Norway, Portugal, Great Britain, and the United States of America. Greece and Turkey joined in 1952; the Federal Republic of Germany in 1955; Spain in 1982, By March 12, 1999, Hungry, Poland and the Chez Republic joined NATO and the number of countries in the Treaty reached 19. The Treaty of the Northern Atlantic Alliance, signed in Washington, on April 4, 1949, provided for mutual protection and collective security, initially against the threat of aggression on the part of the Soviet Union. It was the first alliance of post-war time created…show more content…
[ 9 ] * The formation of the bloc's structure and its governing bodies, which are currently the NATO Council, the Military Planning Committee and the Military Committee began immediately after the signing the treaty. The following tasks are assigned to the coalition bodies: a) the development within NATO of a single foreign policy course and military strategy of the bloc; b) development of strategic and operational plans for the use of the Joint Armed Forces, operational and combat training plans; coordination of intelligence activities, scientific research, development and production of weapons and military equipment; c) preparation of mobilization resources; improvement of operational equipment and…show more content…
The United States plays a dominant role in developing the military doctrine of NATO, and the change in the principal provisions of their military strategy inevitably affects the strategic concept of the bloc. The creation of NATO was a consequence of the Cold War, and therefore all its actions were aimed at confrontation with the Soviet Union and other communist countries that later united under the Warsaw
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