Newcorp Legal Case Summary

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NEWCORP LEGAL SCENARIOS BUSINESS LAW Legal Encounter 1 In the given situation NewCorp is liable for having to follow the guidelines of what the handbook states on the given situation with Pat. Pat has the right to sue NewCorp given the fact that when he was hired on he signed the handbook which in it, it has a section that is Notice of Unsatisfactory Performance/Corrective Action Plan. In this section of the handbook it states that if any employee has a deficiency in their job they are to be put on a Corrective Action Plan and if the performance does not improve they can be terminated. Therefore in a court NewCorp can be found in breach of contract, since the employee handbook is a signed contract. As well as the fact that Pat feel that because of him voicing an opinion on the school board, which has nothing to do with NewCorp, this may…show more content…
The PDA states that woman cannot be banned from certain jobs due to she might have issued with pregnancy; this is Paula’s choice to make. Paula has a very strong case against NewCorp because of Sam’s action; this is a very big offense and can really harm NewCorps reputation. Legal Encounter 3 NewCorp needs to be very careful in this situation with Paul as if they try to fire or demote him after he issued a complaint with OSHA it can cause several legal actions against NewCorp to arise. Congress passed an Occupational Safety and Health act of 1970 that requires all employers to provide a safe workplace for employees and OSHA is the federal agency that regulates this. Since Paul has already issued a complaint with OSHA NewCorp can’t take any action against Paul right now because he can file a complaint with the department of labor and that can open up a whole new can of worms for

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