Neaonatal Nurse Essay

496 Words2 Pages
Neonatal Nurse
Neonatal nurse is a nurse that works with newborn babies, Neonatal nurse works for three different levels. First level takes care of healthy newborns after childbirth, Second level they cater to the needs of the ill newborns or those who had a premature birth. Third level they work for the newborns with problems which can not be treated or cured in the earlier two levels. You can choose the level you wished to work in as a neonatal nurse. Neonatal nurses have to deal with cases wherein newborn babies have serious problems like respiratory disorders or low weight at birth. These nurses also guide and solve all the queries of the parent of the newborn child health and well being. A neonatal nurse has to adapt and act quickly to tackle the difficult situation and have a good communication skills and presence of mind which are useful for conveying the right information related to the health issues. I selected this field because I love interacting and being around babies. I wouldn’t mind being around them all day and helping them prepare to leave the hospital into this cold world we have. Whoever wants to be a neonatal nurse you will need a bachelor degree in nursing along with one year experience in working in the neonatal ICU is an essential criteria to become a neonatal nurse. The students of nursing can become RN after they clear the licensing exam which is scheduled after graduation. You can definitely become a neonatal nurse practitioner after you work as an RN in the neonatal ICU. If you work for a neonatal nurse less than a year you will make nearly 50,000. One to Four years you can make nearly up too 55,000. Five to Nine years you can make nearly up to 60,000. Ten to Nineteen years you can make nearly up to 68,000. Above twenty years you can nearly make up to 72,000 a year. The Salary for the year is really good you just have to be very motivated
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