Role of Midwife

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UPNG SMHS-BCN MIDWIFERY STRAND EASSY TOPIC: ROLE OF A MIDWIFE Midwifery is a process for caring for women and her baby. Midwife is a person who went to a midwifery training school and has a licence to practice. The role of a midwife is to care for the pregnant mother, during antenatal, labour, postnatal and postpartum. Midwives play an important role to advise on early parenthood, promote normal labour and to avoid complications (Cooper M and Fraser D, 2009).The aim of this paper is to help us the midwives to know our responsibilities and to carry out our roles as expected during our scope of practice as midwives, in treating mothers and babies fair, aim to advice on family planning in which families wanting how many kids they want, spacing their children and knowing the importance of benefits relating to the mother, father, children, community and country as whole (Mola G, 2008). Advice on antenatal visits and its importance like, four visits upwards is regarded as booked antenatal mother, nutrition during pregnancy and childbirth is also a vital role to advise mothers on, like a balanced diet with water to take. Advocate for mothers and her baby in other words speaking on behalf of them. Therefore the roles of a midwife during antenatal period are to ensure that pregnancy is monitored and critically evaluating the physical, psychological aspects of how the mother feels about the pregnancy and the actual birth experience and social effects of pregnancy (Cooper and Fraser, 2009).In order to do that, the midwife has to create an environment that is friendly and the approach to the mothers care has to be holistic. To share information with the pregnant mother and husband allowing them to choose for themselves which choice they will have about pregnancy and childbirth (Cooper and Fraser, 2009).Also to monitor the baby, whether baby is growing or not. So in doing
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