Excessive weight gain or inadequate weight gain is a big factor when it comes to preterm labor (Murkoff, Mazel 46). Not gaining enough weight can cause the baby to have serious health problems that can threaten its life.
These tests allow us to tell us how well the kidneys are working. The kidneys have several important functions in the body, including eliminating waste products through the urine and regulating the body’s fluid balance. Precise and accurate measurements will be crucial when dealing with medicine doses when treating patients because even a tiny bit too much of a medicine can do the patient harm. This lab acted as a way for us to learn how to make precise measurements and the skills that we learned in this lab will be skills that will continue to use for the rest of our careers. Experimental Results: The attached data and results sheet contains the data collected in the laboratory.
The Effect of Computerizing Physician Orders to Prevent Medication Errors Background: Medication errors at the time of hospital admissions and discharges are common and can lead to preventable errors. The objection of this paper is to show how computerizing physician orders can help alleviate that problem and reduce it remarkably. Problem: The pt. was given the wrong dosage of 2 weeks supply of medication. Solution: Computerizing Physician Order Entry Proposed Improvement Plan: I choose this cause because it happen so often at my facility that pts.
Tay-Sachs Case Study Having a baby is usually a time of great happiness. Unfortunately for some, genetic mutations that are unknown at the time of conception can derail the joy that pregnancy can bring. This case study will take a look at the Trosack family who carry the Tay-Sachs disease and the process that a case manager must go through to assist the family in understanding such a devastating genetic disorder. Mr. and Mrs. Trosack are scheduled to come in for an initial visit and it is the case manager’s job to determine how to best meet the needs of Mrs. Trosack in terms of her pregnancy. Mrs. Trosack, upon finding out that she was pregnant, visited her obstetrician, Dr. Zimmerman, to determine the best course of prenatal care.
It gave very useful information and outlined very critical components related to strokes. I like that it gave the signs and symptoms of a stroke and explained that medical attention is needed immediately because a medication could be given to lessen the effects or even reverse the potential damage caused by strokes. The only thing that could have been improved in the brochure is more detail about what to do if you have risk factors that could potentially lead to a stroke. It was stressed in the brochure to talk with your doctor who is very important, but it could have gone into greater detail about how to change lifestyle behaviors on your own, such as changing your diet, getting involved in more physical activity, and so
The authors Willock, Richardson & Mitchell et (2004) (as cites in Anson, Edmundson & Teasley, 2010) state: “Nurses and other health care providers should actively assist children to cope during the venipuncture procedure because this will reduce potential adverse effects.” (P1).This article suggests that nurses use the educational program consisted of a web-based tutorial session to improve their cares for venipuncture practices for pediatric patients. The authors Anson, Edmundson & Teasley (2010) say: “The goal is for education to increase nurses' perception that they possess resources and opportunities that can improve the venipuncture experience.” (P2). Additionally, the article uses single-group study method to analyze and determine if the evidence-based tutorial session can achieve nursing quality improvement. As the results indicate, the educational program tutorial session is successful in helping pediatric patients cope with
Non-compliance with medication is often due to adverse effects however involving the clients in the recognition and management of them can help to overcome this. The author has chosen to set up a clinic with the primary focus is to monitor and assess for any/all side effects which are commonly attributed to antipsychotic medication use. The clinic will also be used as a platform to encourage and promote healthy life styles, offer education regarding the illness and management of side effects and a great emphasis will also be placed upon encouragement of concordance with prescribed medication. Regular assessment and monitoring of medicines is essential to ensure optimal treatment for clients. Consideration of both the positive and negative effects of medication and the consequences of these on the clients is essential.
This in turn only supports CT colonography as a better screening choice for colorectal cancer. The cons listed are bowel preparation for the patient prior to a colonoscopy is considered too harsh and can lead to other health problems, i.e. dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, cardiac irregularity. The evaluation of 49 studies showed positive patient outcomes with the use of CT colonography; however did not go further to mention if any future diagnostic testing was necessary. This is very important information for nurses to pass on to their patients informing them they should always ask more questions.
Abstract An error in time to administer medication to patients is a problem that should be familiar and face the nurse in her daily work. The issues that lead to medication errors have been extensively studied by different authors who publish extensive different outcomes but still many medication errors continue to occur and are not intercepted in the institutions. The nurse will remain the primary professional responsible for errors that occur and for this reason it is important to analyze aspects that allow easy approach to the work of the nurse in the detail frequent in his work that allows no errors occur in the administration of drugs. Medication administration is a complex multistep process. Usually a medication is a substance used in the prevention of health alteration of the people who need to take this one.
Nurses need to use critical thinking every day during their practice. Evidence-based practice (EBP) provides nurses with a method to use critically appraised and scientifically proven evidence for delivering quality health care to a specific population. In study done in 2001 it was found that although nurses showed a positive attitude toward EBP, certain barriers were hindering their smooth adoption. It is, therefore, desirable that health care management, develop a comprehensive strategy for building EBP competencies through proper training. Moreover, hospital libraries should also play an active role in developing adequate information literacy skills among the nurses in allowing and showing them how to do research.