Native American Health Research Paper

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Running Head: Native Americans Native Americans and Health Kym Tolley 415 Community and Public Health Instructor Tykeysha Boone October 21, 2013 Native Americans and Health There are so many different cultures that live in the United States. People from all walks of life make this country their home. One of the things that most of them have in common is the state of their health care. Some have good health care. Some have poor health care. Some have no health care at all. Native Americans is the group that this paper is going to look at. How is the health of Native Americans? What kind of health problems do the Native Americans face? How can we as a nation help them? These are good questions that need to asked and answered…show more content…
While this is the most commonly heard of health problem that seems to be widely spread through rumors there are five major health problems that Native Americans face besides alcoholism. These are diabetes, injuries, sexual abuse, tuberculosis, and suicide. These are the five major health care issues that Native Americans face and that need to be dealt with using permanent solutions. Native Americans have the highest rate of diabetes than any other group in the United States according to the American Diabetes Association. The Pima Indians in Arizona have the highest rate in the world. This is partly because of poverty and the limited access to healthy foods. This started when the Native Americans lost their lands. They lost the ability to grow crops and hunt for fresh meat. They became dependent upon federal rations for the food…show more content…
It is a terrible deed. Young Native Americans are more likely to kill themselves than any other group. That is a sad fact. Suicide is almost an epidemic among young Native Americans. Native American teens and young adult Native Americans are ending their own lives at triple the rate of their peers. The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium found that young Native American women in Alaska were nineteen times more likely to kill themselves than any other group of the same age. According to Irene Vernon the reason is helplessness. The Native Americans feel oppressed and that there is no way out for them. They live in squalor and cannot see a way off the reservation. Young Native Americans grow up watching the way the elders in the tribe live. They watch their parents try to make a living and not succeeding. This is something that the younger people do not want but feel helpless to change. This is why they are killing themselves. Suicide is the only way out that they can

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