Nationalized Model And Country Comparison Essay

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Mary Henderson HLT-205 Health Care Systems and Transcultural Health Care Joanna Vance February 8, 2013 Nationalized Models and Country Comparisons Chart Comparing the US to Canada One Of the most commonly cited comparisons to date is the 2000 World Health Organization's ratings of "overall health service performance", which used a "composite measure of achievement in the level of health, the distribution of health, the level of responsiveness and fairness of financial contribution", ranked Canada 30th and the US 37th among 191 member nations. This study rated the US "responsiveness” or quality of service for individuals receiving treatment, as 1st, compared with 7th for Canada. While the average life expectancy for Canadians was 80.34 years compared with 78.6 years for residents of the US. Simply comparing the life expectancy of two groups with different racial makeup and different obesity rates is likely not…show more content…
As the US actually spends more money on or for use in the Health care than Canada, they only spent 10% of their GDP and the US spends 15.3%. We should take heed of the way Canada does things. They have a government who is willing to pick up the cost of medical care to the tune of 70% VS. here in the US to only 46%. Although there are many studies which are trying to keep up with ever changing factors in health care the three most noted are WHO, CRS and CPR. This may not be a large difference, but truth be told Canada is always ahead of the US in other ways just as infant mortality and life expectancy. The biggest difference between these two countries has a lot to do with weather and life style. The chart below will show you just what other countries across the globe have spent per capita on their health care systems. The biggest spender of course is the United

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