My Personal Wellness Plan

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My Personal Wellness Plan Personal wellness planning can be an effective and powerful tool for transforming the quality of our lives. If we want to have health, then take action. First, we must write down ideas for our health, once the ideas can be implemented, then make a detailed plan, and according to the plan to work on. One of my main problems with my current wellness plan is time utilization. My wellness plan will address five topics that I feel are most important. These five areas are: exercise, nutrition, pressure release, financial control and my family. Exercise -This year, I have already started to control my own weight, but my main problem is perseverance! I am very good about do it at the same time, every day——just some crunches, some jogging in place. I have now been going pretty consistently for half year so maybe I have broken my cycle. In addition, I am sticking with my body mechanics four to five times per week. Nutrition-My Wellness Plan actually began in August of this year and has become a part of my everyday life. Starting August 1, 2014, I measured myself at 145 pounds. Needless to say, something had to be done. I began by building a Wellness Plan that would assist me in losing weight as well as making me a healthier person. As far as diet is concerned, I began reducing my carbohydrate intake to 20 grams per day. I made sure the 20 carbohydrates I consumed were complex in the form of vegetables as opposed to simple starches or sugar. Each day I will eat four servings of fresh fruit and vegetables. I will eat healthy snacks and will stock my kitchen with healthy foods to avoid impulsive poor choices. I will avoid fried foods and saturated animal fats. I hopefully making it a habit that I will keep. Pressure release- Rest is such an essential part of a wellness program. If I don’t get at least seven hours of quality sleep I am shot for the

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