My Genogram Project: Five Generations

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Mickey Ludwig HDFS 140 Genogram project My genogram goes back five generations. I learned a lot about my family and just how much work goes into finding information on a family. I used my research from to add relatives to my genogram. This is the information I found as I was working on this project. My family is a very close family. We talk to each other every week and try to visit once a year or more and have a fun time visiting and catching up. My children call home at least two to three times a week and just check in to see how things are going and let me know how they are doing. We also text and e-mail on a daily basis. I think that the reason we are so close is the way my husband I were both raised. We were both raised…show more content…
I found out that I most likely won’t get breast cancer even though she was diagnosed with the disease. It just so happens that I had a doctor appointment during this assignment and talk to my OB/GYN (Dr. Britta Fink North Bend Medical clinic) and she informed me that my chance of getting the disease is slim since my grandmother was older when she was diagnosed and my mother had not been diagnosed and she is in her sixties. She also had cancer of the stomach when she was in her seventies. I really don’t remember much about my grandmother other then what my mom told me which is that she was in her mid forties when she had my…show more content…
Ellis, farmer, sec. 31 ; P.O. Annaton ; was born in 1833 in Pulaski Co. Va. ; was son of Washington and Agnes Ellis ; lived with parents till 21 years of age. Came to Wisconsin at the age of 15 with his parents, in 1848, locating at Ellenboro, Grant Co., Wis.. ; labored on a farm for wages three years, and in 1859 he married Elizabeth Cox, a daughter of John and Agnes Cox who were farmers by occupation. His wife was one of a family of five children ; William Ellis being one of a family of ten. He had ten children-John M., Abraham L., Emma A., William H., Lily B., Elzaphan, James H., Phebe E., Earnest O. and Reatha S. Is the owner of 160 acres of land, valued at $3000. Enlisted in the 25th W. V. I. Co. H under Capt. Swan ; served three years. He then returned to Grant Co., locating in Clifton in 1865, where he has since lived ; has been prosperous as a farmer ; has one child deceased Elzaphan. Has one son John Ellis, who was married in 1880, to Miss Anna Hildreth, of Mineral Point. Has been Road Overseer one term. Republican in politics ; and a member of the Disciples Church.

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