Retail Entrepreneur-Sam Walton

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Retail Entrepreneur Sam Walton Sam Walton was born on March 29th 1918 near Kingfisher, Oklahoma. He was the oldest of two children born to the parents of Thomas and Nancy Walton. Sam Walton was raised on a farm until 1923, which then his parents decided that a farm was not a stable place to raise a family. His father decided to return to his previous occupation as a loan appraiser. The Walton family moved out of Oklahoma from town to town in Missouri for many years. In the 8th grade Sam Walton became the first youngest Eagle Scout in State histories, which lead to him receiving the distinguished Eagle Scout award from the boy’s scout of America later on in life. Sam Walton was very athletic in high school. He played basketball, and was the starting quarterback on the football team for Columbia’s Hickman High School. He became Vice President of the student body during his junior year, and moved up to President in his senior year. Sam Walton excelled academically becoming an honors student. Sam grew up during the great depression and he did many odd jobs to help meet his family needs. The family owned a cow, which Sam milked and bottled the excess milk and delivered it to customers on the same route as his paper route. He was awarded “The most versatile award” at his high school graduation. Sam showed determination at an early age, and that was the first sign of Sam Walton’s eagerness to excel in life. Sam Walton attended the University of Missouri, and majored in Economics. During college he worked various part-time jobs for his meals. He waited on tables at restaurants for his meals, lifeguarded at the school pool, and hand delivered newspapers. He joined Zeta Phi chapter of Beta Theta Pi fraternity. He also was a member of the professional business fraternity Alpha Kappa Psi. During graduation he was honored with “Permanent President” of the class. Sam

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