Murder on the Orient Express Literary Analysis

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Murder on the Orient Express Literary Analysis The killing of another human being is looked down upon everywhere in the world. It is such an abominable act that a Universal Declaration of Human Rights was set in place. This declaration states, “Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person“ (Universal Declaration of Human Rights). This means that everyone has the right to live unless something were to take that right away. Justified homicide is the killing of another human with no evil or criminal intent, for which there is no blame. A dearth of situations fall under this umbrella: self-defense to protect oneself, to protect another or an officer of the law fulfilling his duty. The question that needs to be solved in Murder on the Orient Express is if the killing of a young child's kidnapper and killer is justified. In the book Murder on the Orient Express the killing of Cassetti was just on the behalf of human morality. The situation in the book happens to not be under the umbrella of a usual justified murder but any human with a heart would feel differently. “Following the shock of the discovery, she gave birth to a dead child born prematurely, and herself died. Her broken-hearted husband shot himself” (Christie 70). Daisy was just an innocent three year old who was kidnapped and killed for money alone. Her death caused much commotion to all the people who new her; the closer they were to her, the more they suffered. This is why the murder of Cassetti is looked at as justifiable. In Christie’s book many passengers denounced Cassetti, ”If ever a man deserved what he got, Ratchett or Cassetti is the man. I'm rejoiced at his end. Such a man wasn't fit to live!” and "I did so rejoice that that evil man was dead – that he could not any more kill or torture little children. Ah! I cannot speak – I have no words…” (Christie 84 and 107). It
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