Multicultralism In The Classroom

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Multiculturalism in the Classroom Marietta Miller ECE 405: Children and Families in a Diverse Society Instructor: Kristen Crocker December 19, 2011 Multiculturalism in the Classroom As an educator it is important that we learn everything possible about the children we will be teaching, there will be children from various countries with various cultures and it is important that they do not feel as though they are any less important than the children with the same cultural background as the teacher is. I chose to write about Hispanic decent because they are one of the fastest-growing ethnic minorities in the United States. Numbering about 22.4 million in 1992, they make up the second largest minority in the nation, African Americans being the largest. About 60 percent of these Hispanics trace their origin to Mexico. It is not uncommon to walk down the streets of an American city today and hear Spanish spoken. In 1950 fewer than 4 million U.S. residents were from Spanish-speaking countries. Today that number is about 45 million. About 50 percent of Hispanics in the United States have origins in Mexico. The other 50 percent come from a variety of countries, including El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, and Colombia. Thirty-six percent of the Hispanics in the United States live in California. Several other states have large Hispanic populations, including Texas, New York, Illinois, and Florida, where hundreds of thousands of Cubans fleeing the Castro regime have settled. There are so many Cuban Americans in Miami that the Miami Herald, the city's largest newspaper, publishes separate editions in English and Spanish. The term Hispanic was coined by the federal government in the 1970's to refer to the people who were born in any of the Spanish-speaking countries of the Americas or those who could trace their ancestry to Spain or former Spanish territories.

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