Children develop quickly in the early years and a child’s experiences between birth and age 5 have a major impact on their future life. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right. Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the
Standard 1:Understand the principles and values essential for fostering children and young people 1.Principles and Values 1a) What principles and values do you think are important in caring for children? Principles • The welfare of the child is paramount. • Foster carers contribute to children’s care, learning, development and safeguarding. This is reflected in every aspect of practice and service provision. • Foster carers support parents and families who are partners in the care, learning, development and safeguarding of their children, recognising they are the child or young person’s first, and in most situations, their most enduring carers and educators.
Good parenting and high quality early learning together provide the foundation children need to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. The EYFS Statutory Framework sets the standards that all early years providers must meet to ensure that children learn and develop well and are kept healthy and safe. It promotes teaching and learning to ensure children’s ‘school readiness’ and gives children the broad range of knowledge and skills that provide the right foundation for good future progress through school and life. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework is mandatory for all early years providers (from 1 September 2012): maintained schools, non-maintained schools, independent schools, and all providers on the Early Years Register. The EYFS has three main sections * The learning and development requirements * Assessment * The safeguarding and Welfare requirements The learning and development requirements There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings.
Encouraging and establishing student self-control through a process of promoting positive student achievement and behavior is what every classroom needs. Classroom rules and procedures should be established with students the first week of school. Each student should have full understanding and be aware of what is expected of him/her. Providing a safe learning environment where students can participant is a key factor in classroom management. A student needs to feel comfortable with themselves, others, and the teacher, so there can be meaningful discussion and interactions.
* To assist and ensure there is a good happy atmosphere at all sessions. * To assist and take time to listen and respond to the children and encourage them to develop. * To assist, encourage and maintain equality of opportunity for all the children within the group. 1.2 - The early years sector is very well regulated and all staff, and the setting that they work in. We must follow the various standards that in many cases have been set down by the law, such as the Childcare Act 2006 and the Health and Safety Work Act 1974.
Unit 1 – Schools as organisations 1. Know the structure of education from early years to post-compulsory education Entitlement for Early Years What is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)? * The EYFS is a stage of children’s development from birth to the end of their first year (Reception) year in school * The EYFS Framework describes how early years practitioners should work with children and their families to support their development and learning * It is based on four important principles * Theme: A Unique Child Principle: Every child is a competent learner from birth who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured * Theme: Positive Relationships Principle: Children learn to be strong
2.3 Explain how theories of development and frameworks to support development influence current practice. Theories of development and frameworks to support development are incredibly important to us when working with children. They help us to understand children, how they react to things, situations, their behaviour and the way they learn. Different theories and ways of working with children have come together to provide frameworks for children’s care, such as Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which is used within all child care settings. This encourages us to work together, help and check the development of babies, children and young people, to keep them healthy and safe.
CYPOP 9 1.1 Explain the importance of providing accurate and up to date information and advice to children and young people. Young people should have accurate and up-to-date information about the range of opportunities available to them along with appropriate career information, advice and guidance (IAG) and any information to help support the decision-making process. All young people are entitled to the support that they need to move into a positive and sustained destination. All young people will have frequent opportunities to discuss their learning with an adult who can act as a mentor, helping them to set appropriate goals for the next stage in learning and provide suitable IAG when required. Involving young people in planning and reflecting on their own learning through assessment, evaluation and personal learning planning is essential and this is the responsibility of all practitioners regardless of the learning setting.
Children depend on adults (who also are as healthy as possible) to make healthy choices for them and to teach them to make healthy choices for themselves. Teaching: Children benefit most when their teachers have high levels of formal education and specialized early childhood professional preparation. Families: Young children’s learning and development are integrally connected to their families. Consequently, to support and promote children’s optimal learning and development, programs need to recognize the primacy of children’s families, establish relationships with families based on mutual trust and respect, support and involve families in their children’s educational growth, and invite families to fully participate in the program. Community: As part of the fabric of children’s communities, an effective program establishes and maintains reciprocal relationships with agencies and institutions that can support it in achieving its goals for the curriculum, health promotion, children’s transitions, inclusion, and diversity.
‘’The positive relationships are: warn and loving, and foster a sense of belonging… supportive of the child’s own efforts and independence’’ ( EYFS , pg 2). Third theme is an Enabling Environments; this means children learn and develop in good environments. Children’s experience responds to their need. Fourth theme is Learning and Development; this means that all children learn different. Frameworks include the education and care of all children in early year’s settings with special needs or