Mrs Assigment 207

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Assignment 207 Understand person centred approaches in adult social care settings Task A Information leaflet Create an information leaflet about person-centred care, aimed at individuals who use the service and their families. The leaflet must include: Ai A definition of person-centred values Person-centred values are encouraging the client to be active in the assessment, delivery and review of their care. It is also about giving clients choices daily such as what food they would like to eat and what they would like to wear. Aii An explanation of it is important for why social care workers to work in a way that promotes person centred values. Staff should work in a way that promotes person centred care by respecting the client’s needs and preferences, this gives better care and makes the client feel valued and in control of what they want from their lives. Aiii A definition of the term “consent” in adult social care. Consent is agreeing to an activity for example, clients giving consent for medication to be administered. Aiv An explanation of why social care workers must gain the consent of the individual when they are providing care or support. Staff should always consent when providing support, if not the client could be at risk of abuse. Av A description of how a social care worker might gain the consent of the individual. To gain consent staff could ask the client, ask them to write the answer down, also from an advocate. Avi An explanation of what the social care worker must do if they are unable to gain consent or if the individual is not able to express themselves. If staff are unsure of whether the client has given consent they should ask again and if consent is not given, staff should seek advice from the Manager or the client’s family. Please see leaflet on different document Task B – Short Answer Questions Bi Describe two
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