Movie Bullets Essay

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Movie Bullets: Mean Girls Emotional Intelligence: The ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and to be sensitive to others feelings. A good example of this is when Cady wins Spring Fling Queen and gives a speech to her class that her victory isn’t just about her, its about all the girls. They are all wonderful in their own way and therefore the victory belongs to everyone. As a symbolic gesture, she breaks her tiara and gives the pieces to her fellow classmates. She’s controlling her own happiness and is sensitive to the other girls. 7 Fallacies (Irrational Thinking) Fallacy of Approval: To go incredible lengths to seek acceptance from others, even to the extent of sacrificing their own principles and happiness. The fallacy of approval applies to the girls in the school. For example, when Janis cuts holes in Regina’s shirt to show her bra, the next day every girl in the school has the exact same holes. Everyone wants to be accepted by Regina so they do whatever it takes to be like her. Fallacy of Overgeneralization: When a person bases a belief on a limited amount of evidence. This fallacy occurs in the movie when Karen finds out Cady is from Africa. Karen then asks “So if you’re from Africa, Why are you white?” Karen uses overgeneralization because she believes that all people from Africa are black and doesn’t have a good enough amount of information on the actual ethnicity makeup of Africa. Fallacy of Causation: People who believe they should do nothing that can hurt or in any way inconvenience others because it will cause undesirable feelings. Cady skips class to hangout with Janis and Ian. Although she knows its wrong, she doesn’t want to make them mad or inconvenience them in anyway because they have been nice to her since the first day of school. Fallacy of helplessness: When someone believes that forces beyond our control
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