The Positives and Negatives of Beauty Pageants

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Laura Walker Ms. Jessica English III-2 23 May 2011 The Positives and Negatives of Beauty Pageants Over the recent years, more and more parents are putting their children in beauty pageants. In the United States it is estimated that approximately 250,000 children participate in more than 5,000 beauty pageants each year (“On TLC’s”). 100,000 out of the 250,000 children participating in pageants are under the age of 12 years old (“Child Beauty”). Can putting a child in beauty pageants have a positive or negative effect on their lives? Child beauty pageants can be a positive influence if it’s something the child enjoys doing. Throughout the years beauty pageants have had positive effects on its participants’ lives. Participants have gained self confidence and self respect by being a part of beauty pageants. Former beauty pageant contestants have said that by being in pageants as a young child they were able to lose their shyness (“Child Beauty”). Beauty pageant participant, Kelsey Killeen said, “When I started going into pageants, it gave me so much self-confidence.” Pageant moms believe pageants are a good way to teach their daughters skills needed in life. Eight main skills mothers thought or hoped their children would learn from pageants were acquiring confidence, learning to be comfortable onstage and around strangers, gaining poise, determining the best way to present oneself, realizing the need for practice, learning good sportsmanship, becoming more outgoing and learning to listen (“Child Beauty”). Some parents have even said that they have placed their children in pageants because of a birth defect their child had (“Child Beauty”). These parents wanted to support the fact that their children are normal and beautiful no matter if they have birth defects (“Child Beauty”). In numerous pageants it is required that the contestant raise money for a local
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