Mother to Son by Langston Hughes

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For this assignment I chose to read “Mother to Son” by Langston Hughes. The title of this poem indicates to the reader that the narrator will be a mother and it is directed towards her son. The poem is basically about life advice given from the mother to a son. She encourages him to keep climbing and reminds him that she’s still climbing as well. Right from the title the reader can interpret that the mother is the one who is speaking. The situation is that the son could’ve been discouraged from something difficult rising up in his life. Her words were meant to remind him that his life isn’t done yet and that he can overcome the obstacle or make the tough decision and his life with still continue on. The mother has a deep southern dialect. She uses words like “ain’t” and “I’se” instead of aren’t or I’m. The southern slang also includes incomplete words such as: “climbin’” and “goin’”. I could understand how the words and phrases could be easily misread or misunderstood. A reference that may need to be explained to readers is that the mother is comparing life to a staircase. She when she says “Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair,” she means that her life hasn’t been easy. She goes on to say “don’t you turn back, don’t you set down on the steps, ‘cause you’ll find it’s kinder hard,” and she means that as encouragement to keep going in life and not to give up or let obstacles slow you down. As the mother explains her journeys through dark places and places where there wasn’t any carpet on the staircase, the poem develops into a story of her life. When it was dark, she probably meant that her outlook was depressing and not very hopeful. When she explained the staircase as being torn up or bare, she might have been talking about harder times in her life such as a loss of income or perhaps at some point in her life she was without a home. I believe that
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