Mosquito Cycle.

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Mosquito Life Cycle . Female order to produce viable eggs. A female can lay multiple batches of eggs but a new blood meal is required for each batch. On the positive side, most mosquitoes feed on nectar and fruit juices and as such, they help pollinate grasses and some flowering plants. Mosquitoes need damp conditions to complete their life cycle. Females will lay their eggs in or near water sources where they will later hatch as larvae. Mosquito larvae are worm-like organisms that move by thrashing their abdomen. They are totally dependant on water for their survival. Generally, larvae feed on microorganisms and organic material in the water. The maturing rate of larvae depends on water temperature and the mosquito species. In four to twenty-one days, the mature larvae will enter a pupal stage, where feeding ceases. After two to eight days, mosquitoes need blood in the adult mosquito emerges. Mosquito Facts ■ 32 mosquito species have been identified in the Moncton area, and over 3300 worldwide. ■ A single female can lay more than 200 eggs at a time, which can survive for more than five years before hatching. ■ All mosquitoes need water to complete their life cycle. ■ Not all species bite humans, and only the female bites. The female needs the blood as a protein source to produce her eggs. ■ Mosquitoes feed on nectar from small flowers and grasses. Some mosquito species prefer to bite birds, others horses, and some will even bite frogs and turtles. ■ Mosquitoes can fly considerable distances. ■ Mosquitoes do not breed in grasses or shrubs, although as adults they will often rest in these areas during the day Tips to Avoid Mosquito Bites ■ Avoid areas of high mosquito infestation. ■ Avoid unnecessary outdoor activities at dawn or dusk; this is when mosquitoes are most active. ■ Wear long pants,

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