Moroccan Wedding Essay

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The Old and Modern Moroccan Weddings Like other cultures of the world, a Moroccan wedding is a great gala event. It’s celebrated with great fun and festivity, but nowadays there are differences between old and modern Moroccan weddings. According to the old Moroccan wedding tradition Parents would choose the bride for their son; send gifts and presents to her, but in modern times things have changed a lot. Young people choose their own marriage partners. A typically traditional Moroccan wedding process can take up to seven days. It begins with several pre-wedding ceremonies that take place before the actual wedding. Henna takes place a night before the wedding. Henna artists paint the hands and feet of the bride to ward off evil spirits, bring good luck and increase fertility. The party enjoys tea and cookies, dances on Moroccan music. Later in the party, the older, married women discuss the 'secrets' of marriage with the young virgin bride. On the wedding day, delicious food is prepared for the guests. In the evening, the groom accompanied by his family, would move towards the bridal party. They would go singing, beating drums, and dancing. The groom and the bride are then lead to the bridal chamber. Unlike old weddings, modern weddings take only one day, the Hanna is celebrated in the afternoon and the wedding ceremony takes place at night at big villa that is rented out for weddings. The bride, dressed in a white caftan like an angel, with matching jewelry, heads to a large chair "the Amariya” along with her groom. Four strong men carry the” Amaria” around the wedding room, so every guest gets to see and wish the couple happiness and good luck. After a few minutes of touring the large guest room, accompanied by music from a live traditional band, the couple is descended from “Amariya” to sit in two comfortable chairs strategically centered in the room,

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