Monroe Doctrine In The Great Gatsby

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The adage, “History repeats itself” may seem hackneyed but it is indeed true. Many instances of history show that the powerful can do what they wish. The Monroe Doctrine and the dropping of the Atomic Bomb are just a few of the instances. The strong can do what they wish because they use their wealth, social status, and military prowess to manipulate others. For example, in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s Great Gatsby, Tom and Daisy ruthlessly ruin other people’s lives; however, their wealth and high social rank allow them to avoid punishment. Likewise, Andrew Jackson not only used his military and political strength to enforce several Native American removal policies but it also helped him avoid punishment for his actions. In The Great Gatsby, Tom and Daisy do not receive…show more content…
Tom’s ruthlessness is evident when he tells Wilson, an owner of a run-down auto shop, where Gatsby, the lover of Daisy, lives. Soon after, George
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