Monitor and Improve Customer Service

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Monitor & Improve Customer Service KPI’s for Innovative Widgets customer service team. 1. Increase the number of repeat orders (within a 6 month period) by 10% by the 31st March 2013. 2. Increase the product knowledge and company knowledge of the new customer service team members by 7th January 2013. 3. Reduce the number of incorrectly processed orders by 10% by 31st March 2013. 4. Increase overall sale by 15% by 30th June 2013. 5. Create a more streamlined and consistent database of customer information by 30 June 2013. 6. Reduce the overall complaint handling time to a maximum of 48 hours by 7th January 2013. Plan and/or procedure for monitoring performance against the abovementioned KPI’s. In all cases below the Customer Service Team are being trained to ‘own’ the complaint they are dealing with and to gain satisfaction out of achieving a positive result. KPI No. 1 Extract from the CRM database a list those customers who have not placed a repeat order within the past 6 months. Allocate these customers across the team. Provide a strategy to the team as follows: * Call the customer to ask about satisfaction of use of the previous order. * Record customer feedback. * Offer the 5% saving on a repeat order or 7.5% saving on a new order within the next 30days. Monitor the results and review in 60 days. Follow up on any major complaints received. Senior Manager to speak to customers with major issues. Repeat the entire process again and then check the total number of customers re-ordering from the initial list by 31st March 2013. KPI No. 2 As 90% of the customer service team are new (as per appendix 4), 4 x internal training sessions (2 hours per session) between now and 7th January 2013. Ensuring that each new team member attends 2 of these sessions. 2 of the 4 sessions will be on product

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