Module 5 & 6 Reflection Journal

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Module 5: Laws and Rules of the Road Create a car saying (Bumper Sticker) or a Road Sign (Billboard) that would describe one main point you learned in Module 5. This is an example of a bumper sticker from a former student: ““Driving the right speed is always a good deed. Enjoy your ride and don’t collide!” 1. What would yours say? drive smart you cant just restart 2. How would it look?like a car 3. Now, write at least one paragraph (5 sentences or more) which explains why you thought this would make a great bumper sticker or billboard, and how it summarizes the information you learned in Module Five. this module was mostly about driving smart. if you don't drive smart you shouldn't be driving. abiding by the rules can save a life. Module 6: Effects of Alcohol and Drugs Some day you might find yourself in a dangerous driving situation because of drugs, alcohol, or extreme drowsiness due to medication. Talk to a parent or guardian about what they would like for you to do if you find yourself in this situation. Answer the following questions in one or more complete sentences. 1. Explain three ways you can get home safely, without getting behind the wheel, if there are drugs or alcohol in your system. a cab B.ride the bus C.have someone sober drive you 2. Explain three ways you can get home safely if the friend you rode with has drugs or alcohol in his system and you prevent him from getting behind the wheel. A .dont get in the car call a cab B .dont get in the car call a parent C .dont get in the car ride the bus 3. What would your parent/guardian want you to do? to call them and not get in the car with someone who is

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