Mkt 421 Marketing Plan Phase 3

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Marketing Plan: Phase III Annette Hicks, Karrie Rhodes, Mariela Calderon, Troy Wills, Janice Huffman MKT/421 May 26, 2014 Anil Agarwal Marketing Plan: Phase III Samsung’s third phase of the marketing plan to market and sell the new solar rechargeable tray will go into more detail than the previous two phases. The third phase will demonstrate the pace at which Samsung’s new product will move through the product life cycle as well as what factors will affect the movements it makes within the product life cycle. The pricing Samsung will chose to sell this charging tray will be described in more detail and why that price was chosen and how this price will make the product launch…show more content…
Many homes across the United States have multiple cell phone users. This factor within itself stimulates the purchasing power of consumers. This factor also gives evidence to market managers that a promotion that focuses on the multiple units charging capability of the tray will intrigue not only consumers, but large business as well. Shopping malls are a good example. Shopping malls that seek to add convenience for customers on extended shopping visits will be impressed with this item. A promotion that demonstrates this product in food courts, near customer waiting areas, and fitting rooms will definitely draw in more business consumers. Doctor offices, Car Clinics, even hotel lobbies could all see the benefit in this product through accurate and detailed marketing techniques. Bars, Pubs and Restaurants will be beneficiaries of this product. Most Bars make numerous attempts at keeping patrons longer so they can drink longer. This product installed in various locations around bars, pubs, or restaurants, can definitely be an added amenity of these establishments. These factors are all evidence that the Samsung charging tray can and will launch successfully and move rather quickly through the product life…show more content…
Introducing a new innovative product to the field will bring loyal customers who trust and appreciate Samsung’s customer service. The differentiation strategy for the Solar Recharging Tray Samsung must do the same for the additional target consumers. This is done through Internet, advertisement, and store presence. Two major benefits of the company brand recognition are Samsung has a store within Best Buy along with an established website, These differentiations help move the Solar Recharging Tray into the customer’s view and past the competitors (Kokemuller, 2014). Samsung has to take into account how they are positioned in the market to identify the appropriate price strategy for the solar charger. The competitor’s price has an effect on Samsung’s pricing strategy because you want the pricing to be consistent with the positioning (Allen,

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