Mid-Term Break Essay

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Mid-term break: Critical Essay In mid-term break by Seamus Heaney how dose the poet manage to convey a sense of grief ? Mid-term break by Seamus Heaney in Which the port recalls a family tradagety from his childhood. Though out the poem he conveys a sense of sadness and grief. As well as these he also comments on ideas such as unease and awkwardness. He dose this by using imagery . The poem is set in two areas, first at the start in stanza one the poet is I. The sick bay at his school the rest of the poem is set at his home . The poem is about the poets experience when his younger brother was killed by a car this sad incident takes part during the school term hence the title ' Mid-Term Break ' The poet has written the poem from his point of view. In the poem the poet mentions the different reactions of the people close to his family towards the death of his brother. Heaney tells us the way his father reacts ' in the porch he met his father crying 'the significance of this is that the father 'had always taken funerals in his stride 'also it is unusual for the father / man of the house to be found crying as he is expected to be strong and not show his emotions. Although his mother reacts by trying to put on a brave face and not cry ' coughed out angry tearless sighs ' demonstrates this. The poet utilises a good use of sounds to describe the atmosphere. Straight away in stanza one the poet uses the word 'kneeling' so instantly we know there is a funeral involved in the poem. In the third stanza the poet describes the noise his youngest brother whom is a baby was making 'the baby cooed and laughed' this contrasts with the noise you would expect to here at a time like this because the baby dose not know any better than to react the same way he would when there are a lot of people around because he is too young to understand what
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