Michael Eisner Leadership Paper

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Leadership Paper Michael Eisner Michael Eisner is an American businessman. Eisner was the chief executive officer of The Walt Disney Company from 1982 until 2005. Eisner went to Denison University as a pre-med student but found out his passion was really for English literature and theater. He received a job an FCC logging clerk at NBC and within six weeks he was responsible for putting commercials in the right places for children’s programs. After this job he knew he wanted to be in the entertainment business. In September, 1984 Eisner left his current job and became Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Walk Disney Company. Within years of working there, Eisner changed the company into the world’s industry leader. The studio came out with all these great animated movies such as “The Little Mermaid,” “Beauty and the Beast, “The Lion King,” and “Aladdin.” Eisner was very creative and with that, he was a huge leader for the Walt Disney Company. Eisner not only wanted to produce children’s films but reach out to a wider audience and make his company more diversified. With Eisner running Disney the annual revenues have grown from $1.7 billion to $25.4 billion and operations income has gone up from $281 million to $4.08 billion and its stock price has risen some 30 times (Academy of Achievement). Michael Eisner was a powerful leader, but this lead to his fall with the Walt Disney Company. In the beginning of his reign, he showed to be very good at balancing creativity with business. In an interview with Harvard Business Review, Eisner said about how to manage creative ideas and business demands, "In a creative person, just as in a creative company," he stated, "You have to have ... a creative outlook and one that embodies common sense, side by side, inseparable. If you don't, then you get neither art nor commerce" (Encyclopedia of World Biography).

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