Mgt 434 Legal Process Research Paper

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Legal Process MGT 434 University of Phoenix October 12, 2009 Legal Process An employee of a private sector organization feels as though his employer has discriminated him against. John wants to find information on how to process a complaint of discrimination against his employer. This paper will provide information on the steps John will need to follow in filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), mediation, investigation, findings and judicial review. Filing a Complaint The EEOC provides an avenue for workers to voice their complaints when they believe their employer has violated their rights. The individuals with a similar situation as John can file a charge of discrimination. There are numerous discrimination charges that can be filed. The commission has established procedures where an organization can file charges on an employee’s behalf to protect the employee’s identity. Either way…show more content…
John has the option of requesting compensatory and punitive damages caused by discrimination form his employer. If he does not receive the type of justice he seeks with the court’s decision, he can file appeals. If he exhausts all of his appeals, his case may lead to the Supreme Court. His case can only make it this far by following all steps set forth by the EEOC. Conclusion The EEOC provides employees with an opportunity to have an independent investigator review possible discriminatory employment practices within a private organization. This process alleviates unnecessary pressure on the judicial system with frivolous lawsuits against employers. By following the steps necessary to filing a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), mediation, investigation, findings and judicial review, employees like John can make an informed decision on which route to take to resolve his discrimination

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