Metaphorical Blindness In Short Story

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Have you ever experienced a moment of, not physical blindness, but of metaphorical blindness? By definition, Metaphorical blindness is when you do not really use your eyes properly to see the truth about your life. In many myths or stories, a character is exposed to metaphorical blindness, but in the end, usually open their eyes to see the truth. Mythological characters such as Phaeton, Osiris and Cronus are all examples of metaphorical blindness. Metaphorical blindness could be shown in many ways, such as hubris, ignorance or naivety. Phaeton (Phaeton and the Fiery Steeds) had been exposed to metaphorical blindness in the form of hubris. Phaeton is exposed to metaphorical blindness because, firstly, Phaeton is very confident in the completion…show more content…
Osiris was exposed to metaphorical blindness because in the story Osiris’ brother, Set, is very jealous of his position and very well attempts to take it away from him. In the story Set puts together a small group of people who feel the same way about Osiris. They decide to hold a great feast of honour when he had come back from one of his trips. First of all, Osiris was exposed to metaphorical blindness because in the story Isis stated “Do not go my beloved. Set, your brother, is an evil man, who hates you and will do you harm (Osiris and Isis, 205)”. This proves that Isis knows Set is an evil man and she convinces Osiris not to go but he did not listen. Secondly, in the myth it states “Osiris, having no guile or bitterness in his own heart, believed others to be as himself, and with the words of confidence and cheer he tried to cast out the fear that troubled his wife; then, putting on his most splendid robes, he went in all trust and friendship to his brother’s banquet (Osiris and Isis, 205)”. This proves that even after Isis warns him about how Set will do him harm, he still goes. He fails to see the real truth about him. Because of having no guile or bitterness in his heart he could possibly trust anyone with anything. Thirdly, when Set brought out the chest, Osiris should have known that Set is up to something awful. In the myth it states “But when Osiris lay…show more content…
To start off, Cronus was exposed to metaphorical blindness because she fails to see that someone will overthrow him someday. His confidence and selfishness is taking over him. In the myth it states “I didn’t overthrow my father for you, I did it for me. I’m now the supreme ruler. That means even you must bow down to my wishes (Creation of the Titans and Gods, 7)”. Next, Cronus does not realize that fate cannot be fooled. In the myth he states “I’ll fool fate just as I’ve fooled you! I will have no children. Therefore, I’ll reign forever (Creation of the Titans and Gods, 7)”. Lastly, Cronus realizes that fate cannot be fooled but still does not accept it. In the myth Rhea states “Cronus, fate cannot be thwarted! It was said you would have a son who would overthrow you. Just as you overthrew your father! That son stands in front of you now. His name is Zeus (Creation of the Titans and Gods, 10)”. Cronus does not accept this fate and he prepares to go to battle against Zeus. In the end, metaphorical blindness causes yet another death to

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