Medicines Information Services Case Study

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Medicines information services Information on any aspect of drug therapy can be obtained from Regional and District Medicines Information Services. Details regarding the local services provided within your Region can be obtained by telephoning the following numbers. England Birmingham Bristol Ipswich Leeds Leicester Liverpool Information on drug therapy relating to dental treatment can be obtained by telephoning Liverpool (0151) 794 8206 Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) (0121) 424 7298 (0117) 342 2867 (01473) 704 431 (0113) 206 5377 (0116) 255 5779/258 6491 (0151) 794 8113/4/5/7 (0151) 794 8206 Information on the national medical guidelines of fitness to drive is available from:…show more content…
These clinical experts help to ensure that the BNF remains reliable by: . . . . . commenting on the relevance of the text in the context of best clinical practice in the UK; checking draft amendments for appropriate interpretation of any new evidence; providing expert opinion in areas of controversy or when reliable evidence is lacking; advising on areas where the BNF diverges from summaries of product characteristics; providing independent advice on drug interactions, prescribing in hepatic impairment, renal impairment, pregnancy, breast-feeding, children, the elderly, palliative care, and the emergency treatment of poisoning. How the BNF is constructed The BNF is unique in bringing together authoritative, independent guidance on best practice with clinically validated drug information, enabling healthcare professionals to select safe and effective medicines for individual patients. Information in the BNF has been validated against emerging evidence, best-practice guidelines, and advice from a network of clinical experts. Hundreds of changes are made between print editions, and are published monthly online. The most clinically significant changes are listed at the front of each edition (p. xvii). Joint Formulary
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