Maya Lin Biography

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Maya Lin have gone through many situations, but she was persistent and had never given up on her goal. Maya Lin is Chinese-American who was fascinated by architecture and sculpting. This fascination was said to have been influenced by her parents. Her father was a ceramicist, and her mother was a poet as well as a retired literature professor. She designed many projects, like the Civil Rights Memorial, Groundswell, and Wave Field, but she was mostly known for the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. One day, while Maya Lin was at Yale, she was given a project, and for that project she designed that memorial. That design was to honor the lives who were lost as a result of the war. She wanted to let loved ones connect to their friends and family. This…show more content…
Thomas started out as a curious young boy who was infatuated with machines, and other laws of the world. He always tried to know how everything worked. As Thomas grew, he became an inventor, and either tried to make something that one could not, or would invent something on his one. Due to the fact that Thomas Edison may have borrowed some ideas from someone else, some people believe that Thomas may not be worthy to be on Mount Rushmore. However, he had earned over 1,093 U.S. patents (a government authority to sell an invention for a period of time), and simply took a step further with the borrowed ideas, making it possible for the invention to be a success. He had some ideas or inspiration from others, but he worked to make the invention possible. That could be the reason why Thomas Edison had said, “Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration”. Now, what inventions would make Thomas elligible for a spot on Mount Rushmore? Well, Thomas Edison had created several machines or inventions, but the ones that have contributed to us the most would most likely be the incandescent lightbulb and electric lighting system, the phonograph, the kinetoscope, and the alkaline battery. Thomas Edison was not the only person that thought of the lightbulb, nor was he the first one to try to create one. There were several others that were trying to create one successfully, but it was just a matter of who would create…show more content…
All of us must have heard about him at least once in our lifetime. Martin is known for several things, his position would be the leader of the Civil Rights Movement. If you look at his background, Martin Luther King Jr. was a kind man and was the son and grandson of a pastor, so it was not surprising that he became a pastor as well. Martin was also very intelligent. He was so smart that he skipped two grades, graduated at the age of fifteen, and went straight to college. This man may have seemed like a normal person simply holding a bright future, but later in his life, he would be protesting for the rights of America as a civil rights activist. In the 1950’s, Martin realized about the cruelty the black people went through, and how badly they were treated. Since he believed in America’s rights, he became involved in the Civil Rights Movement. He worked and represented for the black people, and even when threatened, he never backed down. He fought for equality, and peace; without resorting to violence. The protests he led grew, and his number of followers increased. Then, in 1963, Martin Luther King Jr. managed to start and organize a big march filled with protests and demonstrations. It was a success. Countless numbers of people, both black and white, attended the march. Strong emotions were shown, and tears were shed, but the highlight of this march was Martin Luther
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