Martin Luther & Galileo

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Compare and contrast Martin Luther to Galileo: why were they labeled heretics; what outcome did each face? Both Martin Luther and Galileo have gone down in history as great, influential men, whilst at the same time being labeled heretics. Galileo defied the Catholic Church, just like Martin Luther. Heresy by definition is “an accusation usually used to discuss violations of religious or traditional laws or codes, although it is used by some political extremists to refer to their opponents.” In other words, both Galileo and Martin Luther went against the Church, so in that sense they are similar, however their methods in how they opposed the Church are subject to great contrast. However one fact remains, both individuals went against the church by defying both it's legitimacy and power as well as it’s power, but as aforementioned, for very different purposes, but in both cases resulted in earning the title of heretic. Another area in which contrast could be seen between the two “heretics” was what one could call the outcome of their heretic practices against the church. In the case of Martin Luther he was excommunicated and sought after, but even more significantly he never recanted for his work nor apologized for it or for his clear contradiction against the Church. While on the other hand, Galileo recanted all his works, and suffered only a sentence of house arrest as a result. Each man although both suffered the burden of the title of being a heretic, each earned the infamous title through different manners, and each suffered contrasting consequences as a result of what was regarded as heretical practices. Each of these men earned the title of being heretics through different manners, in fact through entirely different fields, Martin Luther, for religious reasons, he was a German monk, who in reality served as an inspirational figure as a result of his
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