Marlee Matlin Essay

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Marlee Matlin is an Academy Award winning actress and a prominent spokesperson for various organizations. Marlee lives in the greater Los Angeles area with her husband, law enforcement officer Kevin Grandalski, and their four children, Sarah, Brandon, Tyler and Isabelle. At the age of 18 months, she had a bout with a form of German measles, which left her totally deaf in her right ear and 80% deaf in her left ear. In spite of this fact, Marlee has become an inspiration to members of the Deaf and hearing communities alike. She has inspired millions with her dedication to connecting with the Deaf and hearing communities. At 21, she became the youngest recipient of the Best Actress Oscar and only one of four actresses to receive the honor for her film debut. In addition to the Oscar, Marlee received the Golden Globe Award for Best Actress in a Drama. She has appeared in other films but it was her television roles that have increased awareness of Matlin in the hearing world the most. As a young adult Matlins parents expressed a concern that her deafness would be an insurmountable barrier in a world where words and sounds were so important to everyday living. But instead of agonizing over her deafness, they faced it head on and embraced it. They sent her to schools where she learned to both speak and sign and they encouraged her to make friends in the neighborhood. But most importantly they treated her as any child should be treated with love and respect. Marlee is currently serving as the national spokeswoman for the largest provider of TV closed captioning, and has spoken on behalf of CC in countries such as Australia, England, France, and Italy. She also serves on the boards of a number of charitable organizations, including Very Special Arts, the Starlight Foundation, and other charities that primarily benefit

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