Marketing and Sales Planning

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Marketing and Sales planning process: 1. Current situational analysis: Undertake a detailed evaluation of the current circumstances surrounding the client’s business activities producing a snapshot of where their business is today in relation to the market and their competitors and where they would like (or could be) at a given point in the future. 1.1. Evaluation of existing marketing activities: Benchmark the current marketing activities against those of competitors, market norms and industry leaders. 1.2. Market condition evaluation: Understand the prevailing conditions in the market, (growing, shrinking or static) and make predictions for 1-5 years. 1.3. Customer analysis: Create typical customer profiles, who are they? Where are they? Why do they buy? What are their motivators/inhibitors? What purchasing cycle do they follow etc? 1.4. Competitor analysis: Identify who are the nearest competitors and market leaders then benchmark performance. Which market segments do competitors target, compare brand identities and culture, pricing and sales structures, competitive response and financial strength. 1.5. PESTLE analysis: Evaluation of macro-economic factors which influence the market, evaluate future opportunities and threats. 1.6. SWOT: Evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 1.7. Technology and systems employed: Evaluate the technology and systems to support the sales and marketing processes. 1.8. GAP analysis: Agree where you are today and where you could realistically be in 1-5 years. Identify the potential steps needs to bridge the gap. 1.9. Conclusions and assumptions: Agree with client. 2. Evaluating objectives: Understand and set strategic business objectives for the marketing and sales process. 2.1. Customer segmentation: Profile customers into groups of exhibiting similar buying behaviour. 2.2. Customer targeting: Prioritise

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