Manage Health and Social Care Practice

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Explain Outcome Based Practice. In an attempt to ensure that all individuals requiring care are dealt with holistically and with their needs being met, the personalisation agenda has been introduced into a lot of recent government documentation. A system of care and support tailored to meet the needs of the individual has replaced the “one size fits all” approach previously in vogue. Outcome based practice, also referred to as outcomes management is one such approach to achieving desired patient care goals. It involves a combination of teamwork, quality improvement, which is continually evaluated, and process and outcome measurement. Based upon the social model of disability and empowerment, this approach has been hailed as a better option to the needs-led assessment, and research supports this. Three dimensions of the model have been put forward as being: Outcomes - Involving change, such as those that focus on developing self confidence, or skills which enable self care. Outcomes - Maintaining quality of life, occasionally referred to as maintenance outcomes-based Outcomes - Associated with the process of receiving services, or those which involve being valued and listened to in the care process. Critically Review Approaches To Outcome Based Practice One of the problems is that the identification of “needs” is highly subjective. Also, working with clients in needs led approach meant that professionals focussed on the immediate situation and support requirements that would be provided by the care professional. Another problem with focussing on “needs” is that they change over time, and there is no specified point at which work can be said to have been achieved. The work frequently lacks direction and purpose and its almost impossible to measure success or failure. Needs have a tendency to become moveable feats in that once they are
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