Also planning the day and having a routine which best fits around each individual ensuring that their best interests and personal choices come first. Other ways are - It also our duty of care to promote independence, and ensure that all individuals are aware of what their rights are. We should be aware of how to recognize signs of abuse, neglect or unacceptable behaviour and to follow policies and procedures if this happens All individuals should be treated fairly and without prejudice Informing management if there is anything that is stopping us from carrying out our job safely Complying with health and safety regulations Ensuring residents know about the complaints procedure and to report a complaint | 1.2 Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protectionof individuals | We are responsible in keeping individuals safe from harm, whether it is illness, abuse or harm and injury. We can do this by involving families and other health care professionals in their care plan, getting ideas on ways best to support their family. Following a code of practice and
Explain the importance of continually improving knowledge and practice. The importance of continually improving my knowledge, is to ensure that the I am aware of, and follow, the current health & social care standards, legislation, and guidelines for good practice. Learning new skills and refreshing training enables me to progress, and achieve within my career and working practices. Personal development not only benefits an individual, but also the organization, and the residents who receive the services. The focus of training tends to be on the staff group delivering the services, to ensure that all recommendations and standards are achieved.
Once the barriers have been identified I should look to overcome these. Barriers can be overcome and this can improve my skills and knowledge. These are the barriers that I am likely to face: • Not enough funding to access training • Training courses being cancelled • Not enough time • Language barriers • Some learners think they know it all so don’t understand why they have to do refresher training • Social and personal barriers, where some people cannot attend due to not having child care or appointments may clash with training • Health issues. There are times we have to change dates for learners due to having previous appointments or they have unexpected personal problems so we rebook for them to attend on the next available training course. These
I feel it is important for me to continually improve my knowledge to ensure that I am aware of, and follow all the current health and social care standards, legislation, and guidelines for good practice as well as ensuring I follow my company’s policies and procedures. I also feel it is vital that I pass any new knowledge I gain on to my team because this provides them with up to date information in order for them to carry out their roles as support workers effectively. I will do this during in a team meeting, supported housing meeting and also by email then the staff can always reflect back on information that has been sent to them. For me learning is a way of gaining new skills and it enables me to progress, and achieve within my career and working practices as a team leader, support worker & counsellor. Personal & professional development not only benefits me, but it also benefits the Company, as well as the staff & service users I support.
A time should be set to measure employees and take steps of improvement if needed at the time of the assessment. There are methods to evaluate training in health care. Take the role of nursing in primary health care. Primary health care settings offer many benefits such as treatment costs and quicker access to care. Nurses in primary care are measured by their performance in tasks, procedures, and requirements in the office setting.
Improving my own knowledge and practice is valuable not just for myself but for my staff, my setting and the children within my care. 1.2 Analyse potential barriers to professional development Potential barriers to professional development could include: * Budget * Lack of resources * Poor communication * Staff shortages * No encouragement from superior members of staff * No time to train * Transport problems * Stubbornness to admit training is needed * Inadequate appraisal systems that would highlight training needed * Possible language barriers * Childcare problems when training arranged when no childcare available The barriers I face are when
2.1 Dilemmas that may arise: • Equipment - Clients may refuse to use hoists and stand aids as they have had bad experience in the past with using them which could affect clients hygiene, physical needs and means that staff can’t do their job to a high standard we would take note of what the clients have said and ring the manager to come up with another solution. All equipment must be in date and checked regularly before use. • Training - Training must be up to date and if it isn’t you should not but yourself or clients at risk of danger. All cares should not attempt to do things outside of training or job
When I started my placements I was daunted by the prospect of having to contain clients with either avoidant, ambivalent or disorganised affects. Despite that and with time, I found it possible through practice and theory to improve my awareness of my process. Unfortunately the short term model does barely enable scratching the surface in this respect, I am intrigued with clients who say that they had a good childhood but they would be unable to articulate what that meant to them. Some clients are more psychologically minded than others, and six or twelve sessions is relatively a short time to enable this exploration after building a good working relationship. For example it might be helpful to be a nurturing parent, who is responsive and reliable, and work to create the space for a cooperative relationship.
If a leader can’t speak to their people and explain what it is that they want to happen or what they want to do to help the people, they really can’t be much of a leader. If that vision or goal isn’t communicated clearly or correctly, the chances of getting anyone on board to support it are slim to none. Words are some of the most powerful tools that any leader has, and if a leader doesn’t know how to use them, there is no way they can even begin to be effective. More often than not, getting the patient motivated to rehab and recover doesn’t take much effort, but in some cases it is necessary and a physical therapist
Also to be aware of the diversity and needs of your patients and identify areas where needs could be better satisfied and where the diversity of patients could be improved. This is where the training improves my ability because it is for me to action the hospital’s written equality, diversity and inclusion policy and make sure that I work within the guidelines set. Understand support available for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care 2.1 Describe dilemmas that may arise between the duty of care and individual’s right. In the healthcare profession we always try to give the best service which we can and ensure that people are happy with the service that we provide but sometimes dilemmas occur as we don’t always agree with everyone. Unfortunately having codes of conduct/procedures etc do not always match the wishes of the person.