African Synthesis: The Out Of Africa Hypothesis

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Prequel 1. Oxygen and photosynthesis caused life to being on earth through the first prokaryotes. These microorganisms with the help of natural selection, already knew how to perform the process of photosynthesis. Therefore, they used energy from the sun to go through photosynthesis and reproduce. Thereby, releasing oxygen into the air which is needed for almost all organisms to survive. 2. Stages in our development to our species homo sapiens begin about seven million years ago with the first hominines in Africa that stood up on two legs and were called Australopithecines. About two million years ago, there came a species called Homo habilis. This species could work with small stone tools. Then half a million years ago the species…show more content…
The leading hypothesis concerning how our species emerged is the “Out of Africa Hypothesis’. This hypothesis suggests that all modern humans are descendants of a few ancestors that began 250,000 years ago. With this statement, it also says that humans emerged from Africa and lived there for the longest time before some decided to migrate. 2. The relationship between human foragers and their environment was very weak. They did eat as much as we do today. They also limited the amount of children they had to prevent overpopulation so they could save land and food. Unlike our modern society where we in most countries may have as many children as we would like and we are very productive and somewhat overpopulated. Acceleration 1. The Agrarian Era can be considered a time of acceleration because in the very short period of time it lasted, so many things occurred. These events include the start of agriculture, the creating of villages and/or cities, government development, and even epidemic…show more content…
The 20th century is considered a century of crisis because it is when there were major break downs in the worlds international banking and trading systems. 5. After World War 2, the dominance of Western Europe ended and it devastated the European economy and political system. Great Britain was no longer the strongest dominance. 6. Global Consumerism has caused the earth to lose excessive amounts of natural resources. It also has created toxic byproducts (environmental pollution). This effect may also cause it to be harder to maintain everyday life. General Questions 1. Periodization can be defined as the attempt to divide time into sections or blocks. 2. A theoretical issue with periodization is that any chronological pattern of events can obscure another. The organizational problem with periodization is that because there are so many things happening at one time, a historian is not able to focus on them all. The ethical issue with periodization is that is easily implies value judgments the technical problem of periodization is that it no system of periodization can solve all cultural issues or satisfy all demands. 3. These labels are problematic because they may not be specific enough. Big Thought Activity Prequel 1. What killed off all the

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