Male Dominance In Shakespeare's Othello

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Male domination in society has been apparent throughout history, and has always caused issues in a woman’s life. This argument is especially evident in Shakespeare’s play Othello. The characters of Bianca, Emilia, and Desdemona are all victimized of this male dominance because of the vindictive way in which men are treating them. Shakespeare reflects on a male dominated society where women are inevitably inferior and mistreated which ultimately results in their struggle throughout the play. Bianca struggles to fight for the love and respect she thinks she deserves from her partner, Cassio. A clear sign of Cassio’s authority is Bianca’s obedience towards him. After a quick phase of Bianca’s jealousy of another possible mistress, Cassio demands her to get over it and leave him be; she then says, “Tis very good. I must be circumstanced.” The way she almost immediately obeys his commands evidently gives him the power in their relationship. Throughout the play, Cassio who merely views her as an instrument for his bodily pleasures is constantly playing Bianca. She accuses him of having received the hankerchief he gave her from another mistress and says to him, “Let the devil and his dam haunt you! What did you mean/ by that same hankerchief you gave me even now? I was a/ fine fool to take it.” Judging by Bianca’s accusations, Cassio holds the authority because of the way she foolishly believes his deceitful love. However, Bianca is somehow still unselfishly in love with him even after realizing this one sided relationship. After her jealous fit, she notices that Cassio is wounded and immediately dismisses her previous anger and desperately cries out, “O my dear Cassio! My sweet Cassio!” Critic Carol Thomas Neely suggests that, “Bianca’s jealousy is in contrast to the men’s, instead of corroding within, it is quickly vented and dissipates, leaving her affection for Cassio

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