The Downfall of Othello

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The downfall of Othello –

The dramatic play Othello by William Shakespeare epitomises a tragedy, which is defined as “a literary work in which the main character is brought to ruin or suffers, especially as a consequence of a tragic flaw, moral weakness, or inability to cope with un-favourable circumstances”. Throughout the play it becomes evident that the ultimate downfall of Othello is caused by his own weaknesses in his personality and his vulnerability to those who have identified these weaknesses and prey upon them. Othello’s weakness is his trusting nature and his willingness to believe whatever he is told without question. The second character flaw is that he can be overcome by his uncontrollable jealousy. Desdemona is Othello’s wife who he is madly in love with and Iago preys upon Othello’s jealous personality and trusting nature to convince Othello of his wife’s infidelity resulting in the ultimate downfall of Othello – death.

Othello’s downfall is caused by his own weakness due to his trusting nature and willingness to believe anything he is told. Early in the play, it becomes evident that Othello is blind to Iago’s evil when Iago says “I am not what I am” (I.i,65). This statement foreshadows Othello’s downfall as it is his trust in Iago, which causes it. Othello believes Iago’s lies and always listens to his advice throughout the play. One of the techniques used by Shakespeare throughout the play is repetition, during act 1, Othello is speaking to the Duke of Venice about Iago and says “A man he is of honest and trust” (I,iii,281). Othello believes that Iago is an honest man and is still blind to the fact that he is plotting to overthrow him, soon after Othello says this while speaking to Iago, he calls him “Honest Iago” (I,iii,281), then again to Cassio when he says “Iago is most honest” (II,iii,7), and two more times with the lines “Honest Iago,

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