Malcolm Gladwell’s Theories Make Him an Outlier or Just a Liar?

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Malcolm Gladwell’s Theories Make Him an Outlier or Just a Liar? In 2008, Malcolm Gladwell explains the story of success in his national bestseller, Outlier. Through his psychological and sociological perspective he shares his theories on how past/current successors have achieved their goals. As a result, due to Malcolm’s inclusion of the non-fictional stories of current successors, this will impact readers all around the world that success can be achievable under his theories of opportunity, 10,000 hours, and cultural legacy. Gladwell tries to convey the reader that success is attainable through the three of his theories, opportunity, the 10,000-hour rule, and cultural legacy. Furthermore, he incorporates non-fictional stories of other successors and he applies one of his three theories. He also includes the definition of an outlier because he tries to prove that an outlier: a person or thing situated away or detached from the main body or system, are most likely successors in this world. Due to the fact that Gladwell incorporates several stories, the tone of the book is inspirational and provocative to readers because success can be attainable through his theories. As a matter of fact, he makes use of these stories to support his three theories and he explains how the successors developed an obsession and were extremely determined to achieve there goals. Through his use of the stories, Gladwell was able to explain how each of the successors achieved success through atleast one of his theories. For example, Bill Gates, born in a wealthy family was given “opportunity,” one of Gladwell’s theory, to go to a computer terminal located in Seattle, Washington near his school. He spent hours and developed an obsession for computers, and as a result, Bill Gates one of the richest men in the world created Microsoft. Throughout the story, Gladwell maintained good

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