Maintaining Academic Honesty

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Page 1 Academic Honesty Maintaining Academic honesty is a must for all students. Whether it is in college or in any grade level honesty in any form is a top priority. Academic honesty begins at ground level and entails the student using proper techniques for turning in any type of work. Students must maintain a code of ethics in order to ensure that they are honest when turning in their work. Most people feel that honesty is a must when turning in any type of work in a school setting. You must maintain honesty so that the teacher has a good feeling about you and trusts the work that you turn in. If you maintain that level with the teacher then you should have no problem with academic honesty or plagiarism as it is called. When charged with this conduct, at first many think that their college career is over. Most people feel that they have worked hard for their college career and feel that they have no where to turn. According to the article, “Cheating on multiple choice exams by Leda Nath and Michael Lovaglia,” Cheating may detract from learning. In other words, if one is caught cheating it may deter others from trying to do their best on their tests, especially if that person is not reprimanded in a way that the person thinks that they should. According to their research, out of 400 students in one class about 12 are caught cheating per semester. Teaching schedules do not always permit them to address these cases properly and sometimes not at all. To turn a student in takes time for the professor/teacher and involves much more stress than some are willing to take the time to Page 2 Academic Honesty do. The following student responsibilities and faculty responsibilities show good points for academic honesty and ramifications if things do not go as they should. Student Responsibilities; Students should recognize that the

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