Assessment Tool 3- ABC Chemicals. When talking about the hazard identification process we need to look at the legislation that applies and complying with it. 1/The OHS Act imposes a general responsibility on employers, those self-employed, suppliers and employee’s which are intended to ensure the health and safety to all those in the workplace including any visitors. These responsibilities also apply to chemicals used in the workplace. Now this OHS Act is supported by the OHS regulations - which provides detailed requirement for the supply and use of hazardous substances.
This covers safeguarding, suitable people, suitable premises/equipment, organisation and documentation. Ofsted will come to the setting to check that the setting are following this framework correctly. There is also health and safety legislation in place that sets out legal requirements to keep all adults and children safe. These are: Health and safety at work act 1974 All employment settings have responsibility as laid down in the health and safety at work act 1974 for Great Britain. This act places overall responsibility for health and safety with the employer but also duties on employees, so everyone in a setting has some responsibility for the health and safety of anyone who is there.
We have a duty to follow all risk assessments for each service user, attend all mandatory training and to report any unsafe practises that i see. 1.2 The duty of care contributes to the safe guarding of individuals, in ways such as risk assessments carrying them out on a daily basis. for a carer we assess things all the time to prevent anything from happening. We having manual handling training also to prevent any harm towards our clients and also to show the carers the proper way in which to handle different clients. Policies and procedures are in place, so this prevents any unnecessary conflict in the adult care sector.
Adequate welfare provisions for staff at work. Safe use, handling and storage of dangerous substances. Maintenance of safe access to the work place. 2.1 Describe the main points of the health and safety policies and procedures agreed with the employer. The health and safety at work act 1974 is the main piece of legislation that covers work related health and safety in the workplace.
It also states that employers must maintain their safety and that of others with whom they work. The types of things you must do in relation to this act are: • Attend all mandatory and any other relevant training eg. Manual Handling, Fire safety, Infection Control. • Recognise and report signs of potential danger – eg worn carpets, trailing cables, blocked fire exits • Recognise and report signs of potential violence or
My organisation and I have a duty of care to ensure that the service users we care for are safe, protected from abuse by other service users, staff, carers, friends and family. This means that my colleagues and I are obliged to work within the safeguarding policies and procedures and it is highly important that we all receive adequate training so that we can recognise and understand signs of abuse. It is also out duty to record all relevant information when an accident or incident occurs in the workplace. It is our responsibility to report any improper conduct or suspicion that we think may contribute to abuse. Duty of care and safeguarding work together because it is our duty of care, as care staff, to provide protection and safety for vulnerable adults whilst at the same time respecting their
Other responsibilities are to report any accidents or anything that is damaged and could be dangerous to other people or clients; I should not interfere or misuse equipment and also carry out all my duties in a safe way, following instructions. My employer’s responsibilities are to do risk assessments in order to inform us of the risks around us, and then to provide equipment to help avoid those risks. They also have a responsibility to train us to use the equipment and to
2. Explain employers’ responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control infection. Employers’ roles and responsibilities include: making sure employees are aware of the health and safety aspects of their work (e.g. posting information on notice boards, keeping an information file such as COSHH, training, and providing supervision) the need to keep records in relation to infection control using appropriate documentation to ensure that the relevant standards, policies and guidelines are available within the workplace UNDERSTAND LEGISLATION AND POLICIES IN RELATION TO INFECTION PREVENTION AND CONTROL 1. Outline current legislation and regulatory body standards which are relevant to the prevention and control of infection The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Both employers and employees are responsible for their own actions in the Work place.
I also have a duty off care to tell a senior member off staff (E.g staff nurse, sister/charge nurse) if I notice that there may be a problem with a patients health or anything I am concerned about. 2. Explain expectations about own work role as expressed in relevant standards. I am expected to Keep myself up to date with the latest off training and updates so I know the latest in skills development and practise off care. there are many different training opportunity to keep myself up to date with, I.e Infection prevention control, which in a hospital environment is extremely important to help prevent the risk off infection to both us as staff and the patients we provide care too.
IC01: The principles of infection prevention and control The prevention and control of infection is the responsibility of everyone working in a health and social care setting. Both employers and employees have particular roles to avoid the spread of infection. 1.1. As a health & social care practitioner it is essential to maintain a clean and hygienic environment and also to be aware of the infection control policies and procedures that are used in the workplace. Maintaining a high level of personal health and hygiene will also help in the prevention of infection.