Mae 506 Mod 4/ Sexual Harrassment

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MAE 506 Law and Ethics in Education Gary Hoskins Module 3 Case Assignment Sexual Harassment TUI University Dr. Inna Lisker Sexual harassment is one of the biggest problems facing our schools and businesses today. A week rarely goes by without a reminder of the pervasiveness of sexual harassment as a social problem. Sexual harassment is a growing problem in the government agencies, schools, and the corporations of the world; however, many corporations are now adopting new anti-harassment policies. The definition of sexual harassment is any unwanted or inappropriate sexual attention that includes touching, looks, comments, or gestures. A key part of sexual harassment is that it is one sided and unwanted. There is a great difference between sexual harassment and romance or friendship, since those are mutual feelings of two people. Often sexual harassment makes the victim feel guilty, but it is important for the victim to remember that it is not their fault; the fault lies totally on the person who is the harasser. Many times fear is involved in sexual harassment because it isn't about physical attraction, it's about power. S/he is generally in a position to reward and/or punish the victim, based on whether or not the offensive behavior is tolerated or granted. This is especially true in a quid pro quo situation. Quid pro quo, in terms of sexual harassment, takes place whenan individual receives a benefit, or avoids punishment, in exchange for submitting to inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature (Stier, 2005). Some actions that constitute sexual harassment are: sexist remarks about a person's clothing, body, or sexual activities; unnecessary touching, patting, pinching, or cornering; visual harassment (i.e., leering at or ogling an individual's body); displaying signs, posters and photos of an objectionable nature; demanding

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