Macbeth Blind Ambition

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Everyone knows that the figures of evil, fiction and non-fiction, fail in their goals. However, it is not simply because good is better than evil or good always triumphs, as people would say in… cartoons, perhaps. The reason villains lose is that they have too much ambition, and this leads to their downfall. How does it happen? People may think too much about their ambitions and lose focus, causing their failure. If they want to avert their failure, they could still lose logical reasoning while trying to protect themselves. Finally, if they do succeed, they may lose satisfaction with what they have and will want more, becoming blind with greed. It is bad to over think ambition. One way that over ambition leads to downfall is that people will think too much about their goals, and they will no longer pay attention to that which is around them, even if they think they are. If a person is planning how to get their goal, they could choose the fastest way, or the most strategic and effective way. But those who have blind ambition will want their goal as quick as possible, therefore, they choose the fastest way. It’s like a person choosing a racing shortcut filled with landmines. “Rushing toward a goal is a sublimated death wish. It’s no coincidence we call [the endings] ‘deadlines’”(Tom Robbins, Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas). Also, a person will not think of those plotting against them, or, more importantly, how close they could be. But some people will try to be safe. Another way that ambition leads to downfall is when someone tries to avert their failure. People with blind ambition will be so protective that they turn paranoid. They will think that everyone he or she believes is important will try to prevent them from reaching their goal using anything possible. An example of this is in the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Macbeth thought that his best friend,

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