Low Income Families Cause and Effect

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Introduction Culture determines people’s way of thinking. It dictates what makes sense. It is responsible for holding people together by providing a set of shared norms, ideas, values, beliefs and a common language. People live entangled in this cultural web. Culture affects how people relate with each other, tastes and preferences, habits, dreams and desires. However, in as much as culture binds people together, it also blinds us selectively. As individuals grow up, they accept certain ways of looking at the world and ways of being and thinking that can be best described as cultural myths. It is these myths that help people to comprehend their rightful place in their relationship to others, to nature, to the past and future, to power and to the nation. One of the deeply rooted myths in American culture that shapes the behavior of Americans is the myth of success. It is so strong that questioning it might challenge the entire American history. Simply put, achievement is determined by what and whom one knows. According to this myth, success is an individual affair. Americans believe that success or failure is based on individual efforts and capabilities, which is not entirely true. Looking up to this frontier spirit, go-it-alone mindset and lone wolf point of view holds Americans back from achieving the success they seek. Causes of the success myth This myth stems from the fact that Americans believe that anyone who works hard can become successful. The myth of success implies that any person can be successful through hard work since a majority of people define success by the amount of money an individual is worth. Americans live in a culture that defines human worth by the amount of money an individual owns. A number of theorists accuse the have-nots of having extremely little or no concern for the future and choosing to live for the moment. Other philosophers

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